Welcome To
WNSA Manchester

The WNS Assistance Legal Office is the home of our in-house legal services division, WNS Legal Assistance.

WNSA Manchester

Get in touch

WNS Legal Assistance
Adamson House
Towers Business Park
Wilmslow Road, Didsbury
Manchester M20 2YY
United Kingdom

Email info@wnsla.co.uk
Claims and Switchboard 0344 854 0660
Please note that calls may be recorded for training and auditing purposes

Our Manchester office is the hub of our legal services division, WNS Legal Assistance.

We operate a clear-desk policy, and every employee has access to a secure locker for their personal items including mobile phones, ensuring the security of our customers’ information.

Manchester is recognised as one of the ‘key insurance employment hotspots’ in the UK, alongside Ipswich, enabling us to recruit staff with proven industry experience.

At any point in the conversation, you can use these key phrases
  1. Restart - clear context and start fresh (don't worry, you will still be signed in, if you have already done so)
  2. Bye - close conversation
  3. Help - display this help info
  4. Feedback - Provide feedback about current conversation
  5. Handoff - Request for transfer to human executive
  6. Menu - Display main query categories